Wednesday, March 16, 2016

From The Rip Off Report Live, By Robert Paisola " This is not negative SEO anymore, but pure fraud, blackmail. 411 Locals 411locals, local 411, Page One Local Listings, 411 Service, 411 Service Net Evades Google Guidelines, Selling Free Product, After Cancelation, Modify your Listing, Charge you after sending Letter Confirming Cancellation Internet

Actual Rip Off Report Link:

This is OUR FILING LINK with the Ripoff Report:
Your report has been approved you can view at the URL below: 


Ripoff Report is the internet's oldest running and leading consumer advocacy website and your report will be available to millions of people in a very short time. If you have opted for it, you will receive notices via email when comments are posted. Our hope is that by filing this report you can help us publicly reveal ripoffs, fraudsters, criminals and people that the general public should look out for. Watch for follow up posts to your report and be certain to respond accordingly by always telling the truth. 

We wish you the best of luck. We regret any harm that's come to you and it's our hope that you get the justice you deserve! 


Ripoff Report

Another National Media Story on the Success we are having at

Do not work with this Company, Offer is too good to be true. They sell you a product that Google, Yahoo and MSN Offer for Free!!! Just research Local listings. You set up your own Keywords and Images without the need of outsourcing someone else. 

I already had a Google Local Listing and they informed to tell me that Google frowns upon multiple listings for the same company. Did they care? No. After I cancelled my account the following day my Google Analytics was no longer active. Obviously, they pulled the plug on that to make my job of advertising that much more difficult. 

Granted, it took a long while for me to resolve this issue with Google. I finally was able to delete my duplicate listing (almost impossible task). Once I did that they charged me again. I filed a fraud charge with my bank and they made a fictionous report listing my website page one. Having only had their service one day, this is impossible as web optimization takes a great length of time. 

I was fortunate to escape with only a 140 dollar loss, yet feel for those who have gotten ripped-off by this company before and those that continue to do so.

Ask them to reveal their method. They won't.

They call from an Anonymous number.

They say no catch, yet there are many to come....


STAY AWAY FROM 411Locals or 411Service!!!

After (on my own accord) I was able to rank my listing on page one of Google and almost two years later they call to claim it was their doing and that I need to resubscribe to keep my listing... 

This is a Rip-Off if ever there was one. They want to get paid for all my hard work? They threatened they would remove my listing if I didn't comply. Well, go ahead and Delete my Listing...! I'll call your Bluff! Impossible for them and they know it. 
They just assumed I wouldn't know better and were hoping I would bite...

A few words of Notice:
Claim: "we have a technical team that adjusts the mathematical algorithm ( Equation ) to match as closely as possible to what Google is looking for."
Truth: No one knows what Google is looking for except for Google. The Algorithm is constantly changing so it is impossible to get it right 100% percent of the time. Beware of any company using the Google name, it is a tactic often used to rip people off. Google never accepts payment in trade for top placement. Algorithms are for Search Engines, so how can they adjust one of their own if their company is not a Search Engine...?

Claim: "We have thousands of satisfied customers and would be happy to provide references."
Truth: Provide Away...!!!! ( Thousands )

Claim: "This person's claim that anyone can research local listings, and create a profile that will begin to appear on the first page of GOOGLE is completely inaccurate."
Truth: I did it, so can you... If they can do it, anyone can... 
So yes, anyone and everyone has that potential and there is nothing inaccurate in that...

Claim: "If you are in an competitive industry in a city with an average population than you know how hard it is to rank your company online without spending thousands of dollars."
Truth: Any person or company charging thousands of dollars do so because of the work and knowledge involved to get you Top Placement. Truth is, Search Engine Optimization can be done for free!!! All of it! It's just most people lack the technical skill to get it done. Think about it... When the Internet first came out the Search Engines of Yesteryear had plenty of original results. These Listings, as they do now, were ranked by relevance and not because they paid someone to rank em for them.

Claim: "We have the highest rating an online advertising company can have with the BBB.  We have had no complaints within the last 36 months."
Truth: I couldn't locate such proof of good standing with the BBB. Nowhere, so provide proof.

Claim: "We stand behind our service, and for this person to disparage our company in this manner shows an apparent lack of technical expertise, and deficient knowledge of how much labor is actually involved in creating, optimizing, and maintaining a businesses profile on the FIRST page of GOOGLE."
Truth: I have my own SEO Company and therefore do know what it takes to rank first on Google. I thank companies such as these that inspired my practice as an effort to stop seeing people from get ripped off. I am currently ranked first, but for protection will keep my business confidential. Funny how an "employee" was so upset about my complaint he/she felt like rebutting.

They appreciate your diligence in finding the truth to this matter.
( meaning they appreciate your money )

I don't recommend you seek the truth yourself, it is not worth the headache.
Educate yourself on Local Listings and see this treachery stop...!

These people are really ridiculous and I feel like they have just pulled something shystie. I would honestly be real cautious about even considering employment with these scum bags. I went in for an interview for the Quality Assurance position they "had" available and ended up spending two hours at this company. I interviewed with this Gina Neist. And she was 10 minutes late to interview me. This individual is supposedly in the HR department. Yes I am nameing names. Then she has me sit and wait for about... 15-20 more minutes for another manager by the name of Jim. Then she has me sit again for almost a half hour to interview with the sales support manger by the name of Malcolm. So I interview with him, and this was the most bizarre interview. This man sat and grilled me and asked some of the most stupid questions. Talk about anal. So over all I sat there for two hours interviewing and sitting and waiting for these people. The lady in HR then told me that I was hired and would start training the following week. She said that I would only be paid $8.25 hr in training and then $9.00 hr when my regular shift starts. Ok so... I start training the following week. there were only four people in this class including myself. The individual that was trainging the class was the guy whom I had interviewed with, Malcolm the sales support supervisor. This man was realy rude, arrogant, anal, impatient, as well as used abusive and aggressive tactics to get an individual to reel in and catch on to their scams. Mind you, I was in this class with all sales people. So automaticaly I am thinking, why am I in a training class with all sales people and I the only Quality Assurance Monitor? am I here for the QA position I applied for or are they trying to pull a fast one and train me as a sales rep.That just set up the "red flags factor" for me. Long story short, the next day another female comes into the training class and we had a conversation she tells me she was hired for as a QA as well and has experience. Hmmmm. She also told me that she was held for two hours as well interviewing with these people. This was funny because this Gina character told me that they never have this problem with holding candidates for two hours interviewing. That was a bold faced lie. Another "red flag." I thought, why would they have another QA start in the middle of a training class? she has QA experience and I don't hmmmm. So after sitting in this class for four days listening to "MALCOLM" degrade and put employees down, on that fourth day of training no more than three hours after the shift ended I recieve a call from this Gina Neist telling me that some guy named Dave agreed that I was not a good fit and my check would be ready the following day. So what do I think about this garbage of a company? well..... I believe that these people are a bunch of low lifes that like and feed off other low lifes. Because that's what this company is about. They put up a grandiose front as if they are soooo professional. They are ripping people completely off. They only target small businesses because a lot of small businesses may need a "great deal" on SEO service oppossed to a larger company that can really afford to fork out the big bucks for online advertising and listings. 411 Local are Black Hat specialists. They claim to be a White Hat. These people are liars and it is making me wonder so was I terminated because I didn't fit in? was it my race? or was it that they changed their minds and  decided that I would be a waist to train when they could just hire an individual with QA experience and discard me. I hope these people do not continue getting away with the cruel treatment of new hires and their customers. They are doing a lot of illegal things at this company. It seems that these people also have another business on Flamingo and Eastern here in Vegas selling human growth hormone supplements. Yeah Ok! you know what crooks do? continue to move around and open several little businesses around town and DBA every last one of them. Or change their name. Could the FBI get involved? hmmmmm! I'll be checking into it because I've had enough of these fly by night rip off companies. Someone needs to slam 411 Service AKA 411 or 411 Local and cause the doors to be shut permanently on these people. See what I mean with the DBA to death. I do know that it pays to do your research before you consider interviewing or doing business with a company. You just might be sorry.

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