Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Comment to The Clients of 411Locals from that I may have personally spoken to... from Robert Paisola

DISCLOSURE:  This is a public disclosure to most of the companies and doctors that I personally dealt with, called and emailed while at 411 Locals.  The only reason that we are releasing this data is due to the fact that I personally Value my personal word, and business reputation and while speaking to you at 411 Locals,(all calls were recorded) or simply ( STOYANOV AND HYMAS) , I told you that I WOULD BE THE ONE TO HELP YOU. THIS IS NO LONGER TRUE. There is no mechanism at 411 Locals for Relationship managers to notify clients of issues like this, this our legal team made the decision that this would be an appropriate way to communicate with you, as 411 will not contact you on our behalf. We will still be releasing the appx. 4000 paying clients that we are aware of. This has nothing to do with that upcoming disclosure.

I want you to know that I have chosen to have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS COMPANY. Many of you have received letters from our attorney's and we are truly sorry. 

For full information ad Legal Data see the Class Action Website   

Thank you so much, 
Robert Paisola, 
President and CEO, 
Western Capital International , 

If you have any questions at all please email us at  

Disclosure: This email is NOT being tendered for you to CANCEL ALL OF YOUR SERVICES WITH 411Locals, this is to simply make sure that you have all the information needed to make a valid decision.  I told many of you that I would PERSONALLY be your point of contact at 411 Locals, This will not be the case because of our findings. This is the ONLY WAY TO REACH OUT TO EACH OF YOU TO LET YOU KNOW THAT I PERSONALLY WILL NOT BE WORKING WITH YOU.  AGAIN, PLEASE VISIT NOW

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